
Volume 1 Issue 5 Articles

HomeVolume 1 Issue 5 Articles

Penetrating pharynx wound reaching mediastinum. Which is the proper surgical approach?

We report the case of a knife penetrating wound from the hypopharynx-cervical esophagus area to the posterior mediastinum in a 91-year-old patient. The surgical approach for this patient required a transoral examination with direct laryngoscopy and a right cervicotomy. Although it was not necessary to perform a thoracotomy,

The role of mobile handheld lung ultrasound in the diagnosis and monitoring of C0VID-19 atypical pneumonia

Background: Our aim is to present the importance of mobile Handheld Lung Ultrasound (HLUS) in COVID-19 patients at the bedside, which is a pre-screening tool with high diagnostic value that can provide triage of symptomatic patients at home (pre-hospital), emergency services, Intensive Care Units (ICU).